(888) JD-HAULS
A minimum of 50 feet of straight line access and approximately 21 feet in height is required. Customers are responsible to ensure there is enough space available for delivery and pickup.
Additional deliveries/pickups/respots for any reason will be charged additional fees (includes trucks in route). Any wait time will be charged at $90/hour prorated by minute. Customer warrants that the space for the box is legal and that Customer is authorized to grant ingress and egress to JD Services.
Delivery times are not guaranteed JD Services does everything possible to deliver your box within the allotted time frame, however, weather, traffic conditions, road closures, lines at disposal facilities, and vehicle breakdowns are just a few of the various uncontrollable obstacles affecting delivery and pickup times. Please plan accordingly. We recommend scheduling delivery one day in advance of your expected use. JD Services is not liable for any claims of loss or any consequential, delay or incidental damages whatsoever.
10 calendar days. Additional rental days are charged a daily rental fee. Additional rental time must be scheduled through the office in advance and is contingent upon availability. You will not be charged for days waiting for pickup.
Please note that your box will not automatically be picked up when your 10 day rental period is over. We recommend scheduling your pickup date with us on the day you place your order. Your other option is to call when your box is available for pickup. There is no guarantee when your pickup will occur if you don’t call your box in till you are finished with it. Please note that additional rental time beyond the normal 10 day rental period must be pre scheduled. Rental fees stop on the day your box becomes available for pickup.
Box sizes include 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, & 50 for Mixed C&D, Household, Green Waste/Wood, and Metal boxes and 4, 8, 10 for Dirt/Rock boxes. Please note when ordering a 4 or 8 cubic yard dirt/rock box you will receive a 10 cubic yard container. ONLY fill the container to designated 4 or 8 cy level. Additional fees apply if the box is filled above the specified level. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure there is enough space for the box size ordered. Box dimensions may vary. If space restrictions exist it is the responsibility of the customer to notify our office at the time the order is placed. Exchanges or returns due to space issues will incur an additional delivery fee.
Boxes are charged a base fee plus any applicable overweight and extra fees.
Please notify us at the beginning of each job whether recycling receipts are required. We must be notified before the first box is delivered that receipts are needed. This ensures that your receipts are properly tracked. Receipts will be sent to you upon job completion. All outstanding balances must be paid before any receipts will be issued. Upon completion, please contact us to submit a recycling receipt request. Requests can take 1-15 business days to process.
Recycling boxes must be filled with ONLY specified material. If any other materials are found, the box will be charged as a general/C&D box and is subject to overweight fees (please see Weight Limits/Overweight Fees below).
General/C&D – Includes general household waste and construction and demolition materials. No dirt/rock is allowed in these boxes. Box is subject to Weight Limits and Overweight charges (Please see Weight Limits Below).
Dirt/Rock – Not subject to weight limits. Includes dirt, rock, concrete, asphalt, sand, brick, tar, gravel, and any other aggregate materials. No other materials are permitted. No mud. No wet concrete. Min. $100 charge for mud/wet concrete removal. Must be filled with ONLY the specified materials above. If any other materials are found, the box will be charged as a general C&D box and is subject to overweight fees (please see Weight Limits Below).
Green Waste/Wood – Green waste and wood only. No treated wood. No other materials permitted. If any other materials are found, the box will be charged as a general C&D box. Box is subject to Weight Limits and Overweight charges (Please see Weight Limits Below).
Metal – Not subject to weight limits. Scrap metals only. All metal appliances are okay. No other materials allowed.
Boxes in excess of the allotted Weight Limit will be charged additional fees.
The Customer is fully responsible for ALL BOX contents.
Heavy materials include: dirt, rock, concrete, sand, turf, brick, asphalt, tar and gravel, etc. Heavy materials can only be loaded into boxes specified for their weight. Please ask for a box suitable for heavy materials. Absolutely NO dirt/concrete/aggregate/inert/or other heavy materials in 20, 30, 40, and 50 cy boxes.
Required city/county parking and/or encroachment permits are the responsibility of the customer.
The customer warrants the box location to be suitable for installation and removal of the box, and shall be fully responsibility for any damage to driveways, fences, landscaping, utilities, and any other property.
Boxes will be placed on the street unless directed otherwise by the customer. By requesting box placement off the street or on private property the customer acknowledges that damages may occur and takes full responsibility for all damages caused to private property.

CSLB# 1049901
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